where's my beer?
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In my life, I have tried and done so many things. And, it includes various ways to make money. I have offline and online job and it gives me a good income stream each month. I am not working at office because I don’t like routine activities. The question now is, what will I do with that money?
I do various thing ( a legal job of course) to make money and it is because I want to get everything I like in this world. I love traveling and that money makes me traveling to some countries in South East Asia. I also love reading books and watching movies. Those money make me free to read whatever book or watch whatever movie.
Besides those things, I also love to watch a live show and If you have the similar hobby like me, you must have already known how difficult to get ticket like : Jiffy Lube Live Tickets, Reliant Stadium Tickets and AMERICAN AIRLINES ARENA TICKETS. I have to admit that it is not easy to watch the show but, if you have money, just search it in internet and book a show. Do not just save ALL your money and forget to have fun (with affordable price). You want to make money because you need to have fun, right?