Sunday, January 17, 2010

Weird License Plate


There must be someone in this word who always want to be different with others. They need a different style, whether for themselves or even their cars. I have just seen one of the weirdest license plate because :

First, it is different from others. It is not empty white but it is written

Second, (that makes me think that it is weird), the owner clearly states that he is idiot.However, it is funny and it really entertains people behind them so, thanks to them for having personalised number plates.

I have a funny story about the plate. It is not about me, but my friend. I do not know how to ride car (I have learnt to drive and even got driving license but I am too afraid to ride it.sigh!) and she drives it to bring me going to department store.

As we talked in the car, I see something at the plate of the car in front us and asked her if she can read it because at that time, I felt that the letters are too small.

The fact is, she also can not read it so, she drives it closer and closer to read it and I must say that it is an embarrassing situation because both of us looked like police who tried to reach the criminal in front of us. Finally, we can read it and then feel satisfied because our curiosity is fulfilled. Sometimes we do something stupid in our life. Right?

Craziest Holiday Ever?

Yeaa...I have to admit that I am a workoholic and seriously need a holiday. I have just watched a very cute movie titled "The Holiday" played by Cameron Diaz and Kate Winslet. Cameron Diaz change her life by living in a cold and snowy place in England while Kate Winslet changes her life by having a warm life in California (If I'm not mistaken). Then, one of my friend asks me if I may choose, where I want to spend my holiday?

Hmm...I always love snow but, I need more explorative holiday and snow will create barriers for me to explore the new place so, I choose to have a warm (emm..Hot is better) Holiday in a place like beach. I then browse internet and find Myrtle Beach Resort where I may have my craziest holiday in beach and my friend will have her golf experience there.

To be honest, I am not a golfer and I decide to spend more time to play in beach while staying in Myrtle Beach Resorts while my friend will have her time in golf space. However, I still have to wait few months to take my holiday so, I just prepare everything, including find out about Myrtle Beach Accommodations so, we can have everything going smooth when we are there.