Monday, October 26, 2009

I need a HQ Shows

My Dad just paid for a weird local TV service. It is cheap (I have to admit that) and it has various shows. I am excited at the beginning and then become disappointed. Those shows have bad Quality and sometimes being scrambled (just imagine How I feel when I am watching Tru Blood and it is disappeared).

Ok...Just forget about that "cheap" story. I forget it. One day, I went to my friend's house and find out that he uses direct tv channels to watch through direct television and the best thing about it, he can enjoy directv need to tell my Dad soon..

This is just my personal experience..hopefully,it may help you to decide which tv is the best choice.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Surprised Face?


who's that?

see more funny animal

Need to travel?

Lately, I am a little bit exhausted. Yeaa…I am glad that I have a great job and enough income but sometimes I feel that there is no time to take a rest. And I promise to myself, I will take a short vacation for myself and going somewhere outside where I live before.

But where to go for a vacation?

I have a small talk with my foreign friend and he recommended Myrtle Beach Resorts. He said that Myrtle Beach Resort is a beautiful place and I will be very comfort there. He also add that it will be perfect for my vacation. Yay!!

I then asked him about Myrtle Beach Accomodations and he said that everything is very easy so, just pack my bag and go there.
Hmm….Now, I have to re-think about where I should go. Myrtle beach really makes me interested. So, how about your vacation?

Gold is Our Best Friend

I know, today is not the best condition for us. Not for you and for me too. Our economic condition faces various difficulties and we are confused about where to put our money. Dollar is not the best investment anymore (if you watch enough news) and blue chip stock has already become blue cheap.

So, by seeing this condition, I believe that gold will be the best investment. Gold investment can be anything, it can be gold coin (or gold coins) and even bullion…I mean gold bullion. Trust me, gold is rarely decrease and it is the best investment ever.

Finally, it is your decision and you can do everything with money but just remember that gold is stable and tend to be increased over time..

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Growth of the Baby?


which one is your baby?

see more cute baby photos

Important Fact about wedding



see more wedding pictures

Friday, October 2, 2009

First Look


Get Me Outta HERE!!

see more cute baby photo

Do I Look Like Daddy?


Mom,I'm Home..provide me a glass of coffee

see more cute baby photo

On the way to find...


Mom,where do you put the beer?

see more cute baby photo

Early Baby Education


I am so sorry for this,sir...

see more cute baby photo