Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Have you ever passed The Best Moment in Your Life?

Everybody must have the best moment in their life. A father with a birth moment, a jacko fan with Michale Jackson Concert, a movie fan with premiere and for me, since I am a biggest music fan...I always come to concert. There is a time when my favorite musician comes and I need to order it at the first place, even if I have to waste time and not going to the office. It is worth it and I will never regret it.

Sometimes I get it but And if you really have a moment that you think "can-not-be-passed", and need to get Bradley center tickets ,raymond james stadium tickets ,or norah jones tickets , just find a right and perfect place that will guarantee you to get it on time so you will not pass one of the best moment in life.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Watching TV must be perfect?

Most people in the world love watching TV because they need to be entertained so,they may throw away every problem and stress to laugh with Ellen, to dance with So You Think You Can Dance and even sing with American Idol. That's why...watching TV is so much important in life and do not take this too simple

Most people think that what they got now is ok but,just visit Direct TV and experience the whole brand new way to bring all international class entertainment to your home by using Satellite Directv. So, just try DirectTV now and feel the difference like I do.

Monday, October 26, 2009

I need a HQ Shows

My Dad just paid for a weird local TV service. It is cheap (I have to admit that) and it has various shows. I am excited at the beginning and then become disappointed. Those shows have bad Quality and sometimes being scrambled (just imagine How I feel when I am watching Tru Blood and it is disappeared).

Ok...Just forget about that "cheap" story. I forget it. One day, I went to my friend's house and find out that he uses direct tv channels to watch through direct television and the best thing about it, he can enjoy directv need to tell my Dad soon..

This is just my personal experience..hopefully,it may help you to decide which tv is the best choice.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Surprised Face?


who's that?

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Need to travel?

Lately, I am a little bit exhausted. Yeaa…I am glad that I have a great job and enough income but sometimes I feel that there is no time to take a rest. And I promise to myself, I will take a short vacation for myself and going somewhere outside where I live before.

But where to go for a vacation?

I have a small talk with my foreign friend and he recommended Myrtle Beach Resorts. He said that Myrtle Beach Resort is a beautiful place and I will be very comfort there. He also add that it will be perfect for my vacation. Yay!!

I then asked him about Myrtle Beach Accomodations and he said that everything is very easy so, just pack my bag and go there.
Hmm….Now, I have to re-think about where I should go. Myrtle beach really makes me interested. So, how about your vacation?

Gold is Our Best Friend

I know, today is not the best condition for us. Not for you and for me too. Our economic condition faces various difficulties and we are confused about where to put our money. Dollar is not the best investment anymore (if you watch enough news) and blue chip stock has already become blue cheap.

So, by seeing this condition, I believe that gold will be the best investment. Gold investment can be anything, it can be gold coin (or gold coins) and even bullion…I mean gold bullion. Trust me, gold is rarely decrease and it is the best investment ever.

Finally, it is your decision and you can do everything with money but just remember that gold is stable and tend to be increased over time..

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Growth of the Baby?


which one is your baby?

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Important Fact about wedding



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Friday, October 2, 2009

First Look


Get Me Outta HERE!!

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Do I Look Like Daddy?


Mom,I'm Home..provide me a glass of coffee

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On the way to find...


Mom,where do you put the beer?

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Early Baby Education


I am so sorry for this,sir...

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Friday, September 25, 2009

Funny Glasses


Will Betty Lafea use this kind of glasses?

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Do You Know How to Ride Bike?

I have just found out that several friends of mine do not know how to ride a bike (hehehehe...)'s a kind of funny thing since I can ride a bike since I am in Junior High School.
Learning to ride a bike is not easy. I have to get hurt several times to finally ride the bike easily.

Riding a bike is a great experience. I used to ride my bike around my environment. Yeaa...I am not allowed to ride bike in a place like mountain but however, I still enjoy it.

If you have another experience of riding a bike,just share it here

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Music Player?

Since I was a little girl, I have realized that I have nothing to do with music instrument. Yeaa…I have a great music taste but never play any musical instrument excellently. I have ever played electric keyboard first and guess what? I have the lowest grade in my class. It’s a little bit painful for me since I tried so hard for that.

Anyway, I have a good friend with a great talent to play guitar. Hmmm…I always adore music players since they can do something that I can not. He is a kind guy but finally give up to teach me. I never remember the keys. Yeaaa… I will never be Norah Jones or Colbie Caillat for the rest of my life so, I think it will be great if my soulmate later can play music….hehehehe

Thursday, August 20, 2009

I Got The Best View!!

Everyone must wants to be treated specially, including me. Oh,Okay. If it is too difficult to be happened then, at least, I am treated specially when doing something I really like : Watching. I always love watching. From Movie, Sport until a Real Fight. And YES...It is not easy to go to that position (i mean, a position of being special), especially when you are talking about Alpine Valley Music Theater Tickets, Cape Cod Melody Tent Tickets and Bank Of America Pavilion Tickets.

But, it is not a problem anymore since I find and can be special whenever I want because I may order it easily and BOOM !! be a special person...Really love the experience. I believe, you also the one who wants to be treated specially so, why don't try this?

Basic Idea of Handsfree?


Mm...Now, you must to think "hard" twice...

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Saturday, August 15, 2009

Julia Roberts In Cartoon


Congratz, Julia!!

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How to watch movie in a new place?

Yeah...Yeah...talking about movie again. Mm...not about the movie actually, buat about my friend, Mike, a movie lover. I have a good time with him when he lived in my place but now he has moved to a new place. New place means new friend, new habit, new view, but there's something from Mike that will not change forever : New Hobby.

Mike is almost same with me : Movie FREAK.

The first thing he looked for when he arrived in a new place is television and he suddenly be mad since he found several bad channels with bad movies. So, he told about it to me and then I browsed the internet for the solution. Then, Yippe!! I found the solution : Direct TV with a sophisticated Satellite Directv will find the best TV programs for him. Hm...Seriously? I will learn from him and get all necessary information about TV programs in a new place from DirectTV as soon as I know that I will move.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Unique For Inspiration : Miracle Man

Feel that you’re so imperfect?
Feel that you have a hard life?
Feel that you can not do anything?
Then, meet . . .

Miracle Man

One day, an “unknown” friend sent me an email with an interesting title:MIRACLE MAN and to be honest, at the time when I saw this picture from an email, I felt so shocked. That’s a picture of Peng Shulin, a man who was cut in two by a lorry in 1995 and the fact that he’s still alive is really a miracle. Then, I want to share this story to YOU with a little hope that you will gratitude ALL YOU HAVE until today, included your hands and eyes that you used to read this article:

It took a team of more than 20 doctors to save his life. Skin was grafted from his head to seal his torso – but the legless Mr Peng was left only 78cm (2ft 6in) tall.
Bedridden for years, doctors in China had little hope that he would ever be able to live anything like a normal life again.

But recently, he began exercising his arms, building up the strength to carry out everyday routine such as washing his face and brushing his teeth.
Doctors at the China Rehabilitation Research Centre in Beijing found out about Mr Peng's plight late last year and devised a plan to get him up walking again.
They came up with an ingenious way to allow him to walk on his own, creating a sophisticated egg cup-like casing to hold his body with two bionic legs attached to it.
He has been taking his first steps around the centre with the aid of his specially
adapted legs and a resized walking frame. Mr Peng, who has to learn how to walk again, is said to be delighted with the device.

Source: “unknown” friend who
sends me this email. Thank You….

see more the inspirations !!

stop dreaming start action

Friday, August 7, 2009

Stop Dreaming Start Action

Berbicara mengenai Stop Dreaming Start Action, saat ini, saya baru saja selesai kuliah Manajemen Operasional mengenai JIT atau Just in Time System. Sistem ini sangat menarik karena intinya adalah mengurangi (atau bahkan menghapus) kesia-siaan.Bila diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, terkadang kesia-siaan terjadi dalam hidup kita. Contohnya, anda sangat pintar dalam hal teknologi namun ternyata di kantor, anda hanya bekerja sebagai pegawai administrasi. Bukankan itu sebuah kesia-siaan?

Atau, deadline tugas anda tinggal satu hari dan anda harus menghabiskan waktu menunggu, maka proses menunggu itu merupakan kesia-siaan waktu karena anda tidak menggunakan waktu yang seharusnya tersedia untuk menyelesaikan tugas.
Atau, dalam hidup anda, hal yang paling anda inginkan adalah menjadi seorang pelukis namun anda hanya menghabiskan hidup sebagai seorang sales di sebuah perusahaan.
Yang pasti, setelah lama memikirkan konsep ini, saya mulai merenungkan apakah saya sudah cukup menerapkan JIT dalam hidup saya.

Setelah lama memikirkan hal ini, saya pun menyimpulkan bahwa inti dari JIT dalam hidup sehari-hari adalah Stop Dreaming Start Action. Berhenti menjadi biasa-biasa saja dan berani untuk mengambil resiko untuk mengejar mimpi dibandingkan melakukan kesia-siaan dengan hanya menghabiskan waktu memimpikannya.
Cerita ini membuat saya teringat dengan Jeff Bezos.

Jika anda masih belum familiar dengan nama tersebut, Jeff Bezos adalah sedikit orang di dunia ini yang benar-benar menerapkan Stop Dreaming Start Action. Pria ini adalah Lulusan Princeton yang kemudian bekerja ke Banker Trust Company dan menciptakan inovasi untuk melihat laporan hasil investasi lewat computer yang dulunya dilakukan lewat komputer. Setelah Banker Trust Company, Jeff Bezos pindah ke DE Shaw dan kemudian mengusulkan pembuatan took online pada shaw namun akhirnya ditolak mentah-mentah. Setelah lama berpikir, Jeff pun memutuskan untuk keluar dari DE Shaw dan meninggalkan gaji sebesar tujuh figure setahun untuk mengejar mimpi besarnya dengan alasan yang sangat luar biasa,”Nanti kalau saya sudah berumur 80 tahun, saya mungkin sudah tidak ingat berapa gaji saya di DE Shaw tahun 1994 tetapi saya pasti ingat dan menyesal kalau saya tidak terjun ke bisnis internet.”

Sungguh suatu hal yang patut menjadi renungan kita bersama. Apakah saat kita tua nanti, kita akan menyesal dengan kehidupan kita sekarang atau lega karena telah berani mengambil resiko dalam hidup?

Saya jadi ingat bahwa saya ingin menjadi penulis yang menelurkan buku sendiri. Cita-cita ini membuat saya berkeinginan untuk mengambil jurusan sastra untuk S1 tapi karena keinginan papa saya, saya pun akhirnya masuk Jurusan Ekonomi. Hal itu membuat saya magang di beberapa perusahaan. Namun, saya terus-terusan mengingat cita-cita saya dan akhirnya kini bekerja sebagai pengajar yang memiliki lebih banyak waktu fleksibel untuk menulis baik tulisan fiksi dan nonfiksi. Hasilnya? Beberapa tulisan saya sempat dimuat di majalah nasional dan saya selangkah lebih dekat untuk menerbitkan sebuah buku.Yay!!

Akhir kata, banyak orang selain saya dan Jeff Bezos yang ingin mengejar mimpi seperti JK Rowling dan Joko Susilo. Karena itu, siapkah anda mengejar mimpi anda? STOP DREAMING, START ACTION

Monday, July 27, 2009



I'm not agree with this marriage...

he left me for the older girl!!

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Great Tv for Great Satisfaction

I always love watching movies. Movies make me crazy and it is seemed that the more I love it, the more I can't live without it. Day by day, my demand increases and I said to myself, I do not deserve for a standard quality and movies in regular channel so, I browse around and I finally find Direct TV with its excellent and unbelivable affordable package price.

Direct TV Service is also great. You may see button "contact us" or you can even contact them directly from phone number if you have something to ask. You will never be dissapointed to Directv Service because it always support you anytime and of course it provides you the BEST "movies" you ever see in the screen.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Britney...Please "Grow Up"


Who's the mature one?

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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Be The First

In our life, there must be a time when we become the first and also the last. I know that it is bitter to be the last but just face it. We can not control anything unless....things related with entertainment such as getting NEW YORK GIANTS TICKETS, New York Jets Tickets and Pittsburgh Steelers Tickets.

So, since you have a power to control it, I believe that you will use your time and money wisely by getting it at the right place so you may be the first to watch everything that is important for you. Now, are you ready to be in the first row?

Thursday, June 18, 2009

The best way to watch movie

Do you want to know the best way to watch movie? Then buy an expensive television. Yeah, I know, it will cost you a lot but, compare it with your pure satisfaction when you see Zac Efron or Nicole Kidman clearly. But, the problem is...

How if the channel you watch shows you the bad quality?

Even your expensive television can not help you with this

So, if you are really a movie lover and do not have so much money (I believe, not all the movie lovers are billionaire), just take a cheap way as I am : check Direct TV website and then see Direct T V facilities so you may find out that I do not lie to you. It is very cheap to get Daniel Radcliffe in your house , just have DirecTV in your house and enjoy it. Have a great time!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Fun Travel? YES!!

Are you a hardworker?

Are you a workaholic?

Do you finally have time to vacation and do not know how to spend your very valuable time wo be the unforgettable one?

Then try to visit Myrtle Beach Resort

Myrtle Beach Resorts is really a beautiful place and will be perfect for your vacation. You may have an exotic vacation or even a day just by sitting in the beach without doing anything. It has a great service, great view and you will find out that it is true when try Myrtle Beach Accomodations. So, what are you doing now?
Make a fast decision, get a ticket, book your order and have an unforgettable vacation in Myrtle Beach Resorts

Saturday, May 23, 2009

How do you attend the most important event in your life?

I believe, every person in the world has ever had one important event in their life. It can be wedding, birthday but…actually, it is not the event that I want to discuss here. The event here is like huge hockey, basketball or event concert where the people are the idols of your life. Will you miss it? Or just watch it from far away?

If you do not want to miss that event, then you must visit because they will fulfill our your dreams in an affordable price, whether you want to purchase Key Arena Tickets, Target Center Tickets or even Citizens Bank Park Tickets. Does it great? So, just visit the website and book the ticket as soon as possible. Cheers!!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

For everybody who loves movie

Now, I have to confess..that I am a movie maniac!! I can't live without movie and tv shows everyday. Watching TV (also movie) is the best hours in my life and for me, I will gladly spend my money for that entertainment but, by the existence of Direct TV, I know that : watching TV is so easy!!

yup, you may get all channels you want also all great movies for the whole days. Does it great? trust me, Satellite Directv will help you to fulfill your movie needs.So, what are you waiting for, choose Direct T V for your life!!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Nicole Kidman…You’re The Best!!

If anyone asks me my favorite actress, I will directly answer : Nicole Kidman. There is no doubt about her, since she is the talented and beautiful woman who had ever won Oscar. But, the best thing about her is : she inspired me. How?

You know, divorce is something that will hurt you for the rest of your life and sometimes it can even destruct your life but, it is not happened to Nicole. After her divorce from Tom Cruise (who is falling in love with Katie Holmes from Dawson’s Creek), she showed the excellent performance in her movies and proved that Tom is nothing for her. What a GREAT INSPIRATION!!

Now, she is with Keith Urban and I wish her to live happily ever after with her husband and baby. Finally, if you love my article and also a big fan of Nicole Kidman, please nominate Nicole Kidman in Best of the Best Awards or commonly mentioned as BoB Awards. Thanks before.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

A Fake One?


This is what I want to be...

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Friday, March 27, 2009

Pink Lip?


What a Lip!!

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Thursday, March 26, 2009

If You Really Like Music . . . .

Guys, If you really think that Music is a serious stuff, then consider the simple fact that music instrument is a high-value investment, whether for you or even for the one you love. It may be seemed too serious but let me tell you this.

When I was a little girl, I saw my senior played a piano beautifully. When I saw that, I automatically think that being a piano player will be a great thing to be. Then, I asked my Mom to buy me a piano and she agreed (yippie!!). Unfortunately, because I was just a little girl, she thought that it is just a temporary hobby so she bought me a cheap and ugly small piano which made me disappointed when playing it and then changed my mind : I don’t want to be a piano player.

So, if you think that my story will be happened to your life, then start to see the music potential and develop it by purchasing a high quality piano, trumpets, Drum, Saxophones and many more music instruments for yourself or the one you love.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Movie-lover, what do you really need now?

Until now, I still become a movie freak (umm…I mean, movie-lover,hehehe..) and loves to see movies in theatres, DVDs and even television to enjoy all the cool movie series, such as Supernatural and Ugly Betty. The question is: what should I do to get those movies in one package?

Then, I started to browse some websites in internet and finally found Direct TV. The website is so attracting since it shows me interesting movies that I really like and guarantee that I may watch all from my house…mmm…

In the websites of DirectTV, you may find the movie package that suits you the best and even make an online order to ease you in choosing all you want. Now, I can say to you that only DirecTV which will fill our needs. So, movie-lover? Just go and get your own movie package.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Free The Music in You . . .


What an enjoyable Music ...

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Thursday, March 5, 2009

My Owner is a Serious Person!!


You Are What You Bring,hehehe..

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Friday, February 27, 2009

Ooww...It's HURT!!!



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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Human, please see this...


Still want to smoke?

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stop dreaming start action

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Fun Pen Holder


Fun or Scary?

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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Take a Break


work hard, play hard

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Friday, February 20, 2009




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Wednesday, February 18, 2009




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Is it for Real ?


new rule?

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Tuesday, February 17, 2009



too busy for love?

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Saturday, February 14, 2009

Weird Pregnancy


Who's the pregnant one?

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Friday, February 13, 2009

Till Death Do Us Part


so sweeet...!!

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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Romantic Moment


will you be my valentine, darling?

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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Who's The one?


A Great Affair?

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What a Rice!!


Great creativity,huh?

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Friday, February 6, 2009

What a Weird World!!


who's the boss now?

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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Romantic Wedding ?


A little bit weird,huh?

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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Good Habit?


It can read!! How About You?

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All About Cheap Tickets

Have you ever gone to see Pacific Amphitheatre events, Houston Rodeo and Allstate Arena Events? If you say yes then you must agree with me that it is so hard to get the tickets for those events. To be honest, I always love to see events but hate the process to get the ticket, even when it just a simple queue because I have to stand and wait

I know..I know, it is not a good thing so I try to change that bad habit but you know, change is not easy and that's why I try to look for some easy process when I want to see some events.

While browsing, I find and realize that I do not have to change my habit because the website can give me easy access and cheap price for many big and attracting events in the world. Isn't it cool?

In that website, I can even find Pacific Amphitheatre Tickets, Allstate Arena Tickets, and Houston Rodeo Tickets sold in a cheap price and professional way. So, what are you waiting now? Just go to the websites and find some great offers there.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Real Hero


everyone can be a hero!

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Friday, January 30, 2009



It is so easy to smile...even goat can do that.How about you?

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Thursday, January 29, 2009



what a beautiful smile...

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Thursday, January 22, 2009

I Love Watching Movies !!

I always love watching movies and that’s why the existence of TV channels is an important issue for me. Unfortunately, my Dad decides to use local and limited TV channels in my home because he feels worried that my international and various TV Channels will influence my school’s grade and of course, it is a big disappointment for me.

But now, I have my own money and feel excited to find some TV Channel providers to fulfill my needs so, I just start to browse some related websites and then, I find an interesting website about DirecTV.

In that website, I find so many interesting info, from DirecTV Deals until DirecTV offers while the most interesting thing here, I can even get TV channel package based on what I really want because for the first step to get a quote, I have to answer some related questions that will influence the package I really need so, it will be so much easier for me to find my really own TV package. What a Really Good Service.

Friday, January 9, 2009

New Family Sport?

.com/blogger_img_proxy/'s great to solve a family problem...

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Wednesday, January 7, 2009



The Girls of all cats...

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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Where Are You ?


What a "hide and seek" game . . .

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Sunday, January 4, 2009

Hello There . . .


Need More Clue ?

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Saturday, January 3, 2009

My New Year Resolution


My New Year Resolution is...Keep Smiling!! Life is not as hard as you think.
She has done it. How About You?

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