Monday, March 31, 2008

keyboard or...?


Hey...This keyboard is perfect for reminding you the schedule,hehehe...

Happy Fool's Day

click to see the source of thisfunny computer keyboard

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Sunday, March 30, 2008

Is This a Frog?


Is this a Frog or...Orange?hehehe...
Happy Fool's Day!!

click to see the source of this funny animal

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Breaking Stories : Behind April Fool's Day

There are many stories which are believed as the beginning of April Fool's Day and these are some of them :

1st Story
On the 13th century in England, there is a king who likes to walk on the main roads in his country. As a tradition, every road which has already passed by the King will be the public road so, to keep their road for themselves, Gotham people spread the fake news that their road has already fulled by the foolish people which makes the King commands one of his servants to check the truth of this news.
As the servant arrives, he sees the “truth” that Gotham city included its road is fulled by foolish people so, he creates the report that makes the King does not want to walk on the road and announce that Gotham is a city of the foolish people, which makes the road keep being owned by Gothams. When they know about the announcement, Gothams celebrate their victory on the King and name that day as “April Fool's Day”

2nd story
In 1564, King of France, Karel IX made a change to their calendar, from Rome Calendar to Anno Domini Calendar (which is used until now) which made his country will not celebrate a new year on April 1 but on January 1.
Unfortumately, at that time, there is no television, radio and newspaper which makes the distribution of information run slowly and makes some of the citizens keep celebrating new year on April 1. These people then being laughed by the others and then, creates a habit to lie to the others on April 1.

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Saturday, March 29, 2008

Let's Get Laugh: Cat In The Way


Two church members were going door to door, and knocked on the door of a woman who was not happy to see them. She told them in no uncertain terms that she did not want to hear their message and slammed the door in their faces. To her surprise, however, the door did not close and, in fact, bounced back open. She tried again, really put her back into it, and slammed the door again with the same result-the door bounced back open.
Convinced these rude young people were sticking their foot in the door, she reared back to give it a slam that would teach them a lesson, when one of them said, "Ma'am, before you do that again, you need to move your cat."
click to see the source of this funny jokes

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Oh.. how dare you do this to me ? Who is that "girl"?

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Weird News : Camel Pageant


Camel pageants have become major events in Saudi Arabia in recent years. Early in November, Reuters reported, “A leading authority of Saudi Arabia's hardline school of Islam has condemned camel beauty contests as evil.” Still, in the desert region of Um Rgheiba 248 miles from Riyadh, camel owners gathered for the Mazayen al-Ibl competition Dec 7, to find the most beautiful camels. “The nose should be long and droop down, that's more beautiful,” one of the event organizers, explained. “The ears should stand back, and the neck should be long. The hump should be high, but slightly to the back.
Source: Dido L. Arellano

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Unique Movie : I'm Reed Fish


Reed Fish (Jay Baruchel) is a radio broadcaster in a small town who runs his job because he wants to keep his died father “alive”. Everybody in his town always compare him with his dad and always expect that Reed will be same like his father, who always help the people in the town if they have problems through broadcasting it in the radio. As the other part of his life, Reed has a very beautiful Fiancee, Kate (Alexis Bledel) who was his childhood friend that always force Reed to take their marriage ceremony seriously because Reed always acts like a kid.
One day, Reed’s “perfect life” changes when his old friend, Jill, comes from the big city and suprisingly makes him falls in love. Now, how about his marriage with Kate? How Reed handle the hateness of the whole town because he cheats on Kate?

What’s Unique about this movie?
This is a unique movie because there is a movie inside the movie so, in this movie, there are two parts to be watched : Reed’s real life and Reed’s life which is made into the movie. For the first, I’ve got confused about this “movie inside movie” stuff but then, when I finally understood, this movie is pretty good enough because it teaches me about choosing something, not according to others’ voice but must be according to my own voice.

see more unique movie previews !!

Weird News : Woman Town

It may be a man's world still but one part at least is about to become exclusively woman's. A district in China will be renamed 'Woman Town' - with strict rules that whatever women want, they get. And disobedient men will be punished, either with wooden boards or menial chores. The 2.3km Shuangqiao district in Chongqing will become what is thought to be the world's first 'Woman Town'. The town gates will bear the ruling philosophy: 'A woman never makes a mistake. A man can never reject a woman's request.' Tourism director Li Jigang said: 'Construction will take around two years, and the place will become a very good destination for entertainment and relaxation. 'In any tour group entering this town, female members would play the deciding role concerning shopping and other items of the itinerary. 'We are drafting a township law which stipulates clearly how men should be punished, and for what. 'A disobedient man will be punished by kneeling on an uneven board or by washing dishes in a restaurant.'

click here to see the source of this weird news

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Let's Get Laugh : Writing Powerful Messages

There was once a young man who, in his youth, professed a desire to become a "great" writer.
When asked to define "great" he said "I want to write stuff that the whole world will read,stuff that people will react to on a truly emotional level, stuff that will make them scream, cry, wail, howl in pain, desperation, and anger!"
He now works for Microsoft writing error messages.
click to see the source of this funny jokes

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Friday, March 28, 2008



Hey..This guy can have a GREAT CARREER in Circus

see more circus freaks !!

Let's play football


Are you interested to play football...THERE???!!

see more sport oops

Help Each Other?


Do they really need technician?

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Extra Protection (2)


Do Indonesian Bicycles need this?

see more road bicycles !!

Is this for real?


Just Guess, how much is that goods?

see more female photography !!

What will you write on this?


What will you write? Please comments..

see more funny road signs

Unique Road


What if a human falls in this road?

see more funny road signs !!

Extra Protection


Do Indonesian Cars need this?

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A Sexy Dog


Is this a porn pic? Maybe the DOG WORLD

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Cute Jet Lee


How can we beat his cuteness?

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Ugly Egg


Can you Imagine its feeling?

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It's not acting..He's a REAL CELEBRITY

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Romantic Monkey ?

This flower is for you... Will U Marry Me?

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Olsen Twins in American Idol?


According To you, will they make it?

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The White Lion



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Need a dog like this?


see this dog? please smiling back to him,hehehe...

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Sex and The City in cartoon


Love the series? you must love this pic..

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My favorite cat...


I have a friend who hates cat so much except...this cute cat from SHREK

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Did You Smile Today?


I got it from my friend and hopefully, when you see it, you can smile for today.

see more cute baby photos !!

Drink Milk For Your Health


Love Andy Roddick? please take tissues...

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What a Smart Baby


Have a few moments for reading newspaper today, like this cute baby!!

see more cute baby photos!!



What a Head!!

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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Suprise Celine Dion!!


What Have you done to her?

click to see the source of celebrity pic

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Compare This!!


Hmm...What a Body!!

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Simpsonize JK Rowling


JK Rowling and Harry Potter for The Simpsons? Mmmm....

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My first Posting


Hot News!!!

Tom Cruise gets a new competitor for the main role in mission impossible

see more funny animal !!